ROOM4ALL is an online video conferencing platform which allows users (roomers) to create 'rooms' where other roomers can choose to attend. A room may be a consultation room for professionals, for example a lawyer may create a room to conduct a consulting session with a remote client; or a room may also be a classroom where the creator is the teacher and there are several attendees all connecting over the internet in a video conference.

The room creator may set a fee for attendees which attendees pay upon registration. The platform is designed to use a blockchain-based Smart Contract for payment settlements and a crypto currency wallet such as Metamask funded with an appropriate token is used.

ROOM4ALL enables room creators to manage their own attendees on a global scale, without having to use middleman payment processors such as credit card merchant accounts and without having to process fiat foreign currenies.

The ROOM4ALL video conferencing platforn has a full set of features for on line conferening, teaching and collaboration such as screen sharing, a multi-user whiteboard, breakout rooms, group polling .

This site is uses the Polygon Network (Matic Token) blockchain and is used to demonstrate a borderless settlement system using blockchain technology. To use this system, all roomers are required to install and use a Metamask Wallet account to hold and send Matic tokens. Room creators will immediately receive payment in Matic tokens. Note that Matic tokens cryptocurrency tokens and are volatile in value.

WARNING. All transfers and payments are final and absolutely no refunds are possible. If you are unfamiliar with the use of cryptocurrency tokens, please use the demo site https://demo.room4all.net to practice with the Sepolia Test tokens.

A brief overview of how to use the system follows. Click on the links for more detailed instructions..

1. Install Metamask Wallet
2. Change to the Polygon Network and select an account to use.
3. Register as a Roomer with an email, password and eoa account

If you intend to create a room Select Create a room and fill in the details

If you intend to Register as an attendee

1. Make sure you have a Metamask Wallet funded with Matic Tokens
2. Ensure you are on the Polygon Network and login with the right account.
3. List the rooms available
4. Select a room to display the Room Details
5. Click Register as attendee